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Asked by a 44 years old female

Skin, nails, hair




What's the best way to prevent or reduce cellulite on the thighs?

Posted 10 months ago
2 answers

Doctor Answers

Dorothy Hanson

Doctor of medicine profession

Weight management. Whilst cellulite may not be harmful to your overall health, you can reduce and prevent it be keeping a healthy weight. By maintaining healthy diet and keeping to exercises that help to burn fat and strengthen muscle, you can control the cellulite. Most of these exercises are leg and thighs focused - for cellulite

Ebenezer Sackey
Bernice Hayford
4 doctors agree
Answered 10 months ago

Amanda Sackey

Family physician

Cellulite is a collection of fat under the skin. Everyone can get it. The skin on the stomach, buttocks and thighs appear puckered or dimpled. It is not harmful. The appearance is not acceptable to a lot of people. Treatment is by diet, exercise and occasionally treatment. Diet Avoid processed foods that are high in carbohydrates, fats, preservatives and salt. Exercise Engage in exercises like running, cycling or resistance training. Treatment Treatment with medication is prescribed by a doctor. This may include special retinol creams or taking supplements like caffeine, grape-seed extract or ginkgo biloba.

Ebenezer Sackey
1 doctors agree
Answered 8 months ago