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Asked by a 24 years old female

Bacterial and viral infections


Please can antibiotics cause thrush


I was diagnosed with pylori (gastritis) and I started taking medications but there were no improvements so I consulted another doctor and he told me to complete the course and go to the hospital and test for it again. He prescribed some medications for me but I revisited the hospital last Tuesday and they told me gastritis was still positive and my lymphocytes level were abnormal. I keep getting watery and creamy thrush from my vagina it has made my vagina itchy and painful. I don't know if it is the side effects of the antibiotics prescribed or something else. Please help me out

Posted 10 months ago
2 answers

Doctor Answers

Amanda Sackey

Family physician

Can antibiotics cause thrush You probably have a vaginal infection like thrush after taking antibiotics for treating gastritis. You need to see a doctor for appropriate treatment. Thrush is caused by a fungal infection. Antibiotics do not cause thrush. A person can get thrush after taking antibiotics because the antibiotics temporarily disturbs the normal protective bacterial cover which usually protect a person from getting thrush.

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Answered 8 months ago


Doctor of medicine profession

H. Pylori eradication has different treatment regimens. Completion of one regimen does not completely guarantee total eradication. Also it depends on when the test is repeated after completing the regimen. That is why the doctor will tell you to wait for about 4 weeks after completing the regimen. If the test remains positive after this, your doctor may change the regimen for you or change specific medications in the regimen. High lymphocytes may mean a lot of things (Please see a doctor with the results)Watery and creamy discharge from the vagina is most likely an infection. However, please see a doctor for a complete evaluation.

Byrite Asamoah
Kelvin Owusu
4 doctors agree
Answered 10 months ago